Headon Lab
Experimental papers
The Developmental Basis of Fingerprint Pattern Formation and Variation. Glover JD, Sudderick ZR, Charlton L, Shih B, Batho-Samblas C, Krause AL, Anderson C, Riddell J, Balic A, Li J, Klika V, Woolley TE, Gaffney EA, Corsinotti A, Anderson RA, Johnstone L, Brown SJ, Wang S, Chen Y, Crichton ML, Headon DJ. Cell. 186(5):940-956.e20. (2023)
Limb development genes underlie variation in human fingerprint patterns. Li J, Glover JD, Zhang H, Peng M, Tan J, Mallick CB, Hou D, Yang Y, Wu S, Liu Y, Peng Q, Zheng SC, Crosse EI, Medvinsky A, Anderson RA, Brown H, Yuan Z, Zhou S, Xu Y, Kemp JP, Ho YYW, Loesch DZ, Wang L, Li Y, Tang S, Wu X, Walters RG, Lin K, Meng R, Lv J, Chernus JM, Neiswanger K, Feingold E, Evans DM, Medland SE, Martin NG, Weinberg SM, Marazita ML, Chen G, Chen Z, Zhou Y, Cheeseman M, Wang L, Jin L*, Headon DJ*, Wang S*. Cell. 185(1):95-112.e18. (2022)
Elevated EDAR signalling promotes mammary gland tumourigenesis with squamous metaplasia. Williams R, Jobling S, Sims AH, Mou C, Wilkinson L, Collu GM, Streuli CH, Gilmore AP, Headon DJ*, Brennan K*. Oncogene. 41(7):1040-1049. (2022)
The EDA-deficient mouse has Zymbal's gland hypoplasia and acute otitis externa. Del-Pozo J, Headon DJ, Glover JD, Azar A, Schuepbach-Mallepell S, Bhutta MF, Riddell J, Maxwell S, Milne E, Schneider P, Cheeseman M. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 15(3):dmm049034. (2022)
A genome-wide association analysis for body weight at 35 days measured on 137,343 broiler chickens. Dadousis C, Somavilla A, Ilska JJ, Johnsson M, Batista L, Mellanby RJ, Headon D, Gottardo P, Whalen A, Wilson D, Dunn IC, Gorjanc G, Kranis A, Hickey JM. Genetics Selection Evolution. 53(1):70. (2021)
Isolating Patterns in Open Reaction-Diffusion Systems. Krause AL, Klika V, Maini PK, Headon D, Gaffney EA. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 83(7):82. (2021)
Methods for the Administration of EDAR Pathway Modulators in Mice. Schuepbach-Mallepell S, Kowalczyk-Quintas C, Dick A, Eslami M, Vigolo M, Headon DJ, Cheeseman M, Schneider H, Schneider P. Methods in Molecular Biology 2248:167-183. (2021)
Characterisation of a second gain of function EDAR variant, encoding EDAR380R, in East Asia. Riddell J, Basu Mallick C, Jacobs GS, Schoenebeck JJ, Headon DJ. European Journal of Human Genetics. 28(12):1694-1702. (2020)
Role of Ectodysplasin signalling in middle ear and nasal pathology in rat and mouse models of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. del-Pozo J, MacIntyre N, Azar A, Headon D, Schneider P, Cheeseman M. Disease Models & Mechanisms 12(4):dmm037804. (2019)
Edar is a downstream target of beta-catenin and drives collagen accumulation in the mouse prostate. Wegner KA, Mehta V, Johansson JA, Mueller BR, Keil KP, Abler LL, Marker PC, Taketo MM, Headon DJ, Vezina CM. Biology Open 8(3). pii: bio037945 (2019)
Feather arrays are patterned by interacting signaling and cell density waves. Ho WKW, Freem L, Zhao D, Painter KJ, Woolley TE, Gaffney EA, McGrew MJ, Tzika A, Milinkovitch MC, Schneider P, Drusko A, Matthäus F, Glover JL, Wells KL, Johansson JA, Davey MG, Sang HM, Clinton M, Headon DJ. PLOS Biology 17(2):e3000132. (2019)
A coupled wave-chemotaxis model for patterning feather buds during avian development. Painter KJ, Ho WK, Headon DJ. Journal of Theoretical Biology 437:225-238. (2018)
Mutations in ACTRT1 gene and its enhancer RNA elements lead to aberrant activation of Hedgehog signaling in inherited and sporadic basal cell carcinomas. Bal E, Park H, Belaid-Choucair Z, Kayserili H, Naville M, Madrange M, Chiticariu E, Hadj-Rabia S, Cagnard N, Kuonen F, Bachmann D, Huber M, Le Gall C, Côté F, Hanein S, Rosti RO, Aslanger AD, Waisfisz Q, Bodemer C, Hermine O, Morice-Picard F, Labeille B, Caux F, Mazereeuw-Hautier J, Philip N, Levy N, Taieb A, Avril MF, Headon DJ, Gyapay G, Magnaldo T, Fraitag S, Crollius HR, Vabres P, Hohl D, Munnich A, Smahi A. Nature Medicine 23(10):1226-1233. (2017)
The impact of the Eda pathway on root development. Fons JM, Star H, Lav R, Watkins S, Harrison M, Headon D, Tucker AS. Journal of Dental Research 96(11):1290-1297. (2017)
Hierarchical patterning modes orchestrate hair follicle morphogenesis. Glover JD, Wells KL, Matthäus F, Painter KJ, Ho W, Riddell J, Johansson JA, Ford M, Jahoda CAB, Klika V, Mort RL, Headon DJ. PLOS Biology 15(7):e2002117. (2017)
Derivation of marker gene signatures from human skin and their use in the interpretation of the transcriptional changes associated with dermatological disorders. Shih BB, Nirmal AJ, Headon DJ, Akbar AN, Mabbott NA, Freeman TC. Journal of Pathology 241(5):600-613. (2017)
Ectodysplasin A in biological fluids and diagnosis of ectodermal dysplasia. Podzus J, Kowalczyk-Quintas C, Schuepbach-Mallepell S, Willen L, Staehlin G, Vigolo M, Tardivel A, Headon D, Kirby N, Mikkola ML, Schneider H, Schneider P. Journal of Dental Research 96(2):217-224. (2017)
Fgf and Eda pathways control initiation and branching of distinct subsets of developing nasal glands. May A, Headon D, Rice D, Noble A, Tucker AS. Developmental Biology 419(2):348-356. (2016)
Ectodysplasin signalling deficiency in mouse models of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia leads to middle ear and nasal pathology. Azar A, Picinelli C, Brown H, Headon D*, Cheeseman M*. Human Molecular Genetics 25(16):3564-77. (2016)
A genome-wide association scan implicates the DCHS2, RUNX2, GLI3, PAX1 and EDAR gene regions in human facial diversity. Adhikari K, Fuentes-Guajardo M, Quinto-Sanchez M, Mendoza-Revilla J, Chacón-Duque JC, Acuña-Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Barquera Lozano R, Macín Pérez G, Gómez-Valdés J, Villamil-Ramírez H, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva de Cerqueira CC, Hurtado M, Villegas V, Granja V, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Cheeseman M, Rosique J, Bedoya G, Rothhammer F, Headon D, Gonzalez-José R, Balding D, Ruiz-Linares A. Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms11616 (2016)
*The genetic basis of variation in facial and scalp hair: A genome-wide association study in admixed Latin Americans. Adhikari K, Fontanil T, Cal S, Mendoza-Revilla J, Fuentes-Guajardo M, Chacón-Duque JC, Al-Saadi F, Johansson JA, Quinto-Sanchez M, Acuña-Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Barquera Lozano R, Macín Pérez G, Gómez-Valdés J, Villamil-Ramírez H, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva de Cerqueira CC, Hurtado M, Villegas V, Granja V, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Rothhammer F, Bedoya G, Gonzalez-José R, Headon D, López-Otín C, Tobin DJ, Balding D, Ruiz-Linares A. Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms10815 (2016)
Hair follicle bulge stem cells appear dispensable for the acute phase of wound re-epithelialisation. Garcin CL, Ansell DM, Headon DJ, Paus R, Hardman MJ. Stem Cells 34(5):1377-85. (2016)
A Genome-wide Association Study Identifies Multiple Loci for Variation in Human Ear Morphology. Adhikari K, Reales G, Smith A, Konka E, Quinto-Sanchez M, Acuña-Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Fuentes M, Pizarro M, Everardo P, de Avila F, Gómez-Valdés J, León-Mimila P, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva de Cerqueira CC, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Rothhammer F, Bedoya G, Calderón R, Rosique J, Cheeseman M, Bhutta M, Humphries S, Gonzalez-José R, Headon D, Balding D, Ruiz-Linares A. Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/ncomms8500 (2015)
Maintenance of Distinct Melanocyte Populations in the Interfollicular Epidermis. Glover JD, Knolle S, Wells KL, Liu D, Jackson IJ, Mort RL*, Headon DJ*. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 28(4):476-80. (2015)
Integrated β-catenin, BMP, PTEN, and Notch signalling patterns the nephron. Lindström NO, Burn SF, Bakker ERM, Ridgway RA, Johansson JA, Karolak MJ, Oxburgh L, Headon DJ, Sansom OJ, Smits R, Davies JA, Hohenstein P. eLife 4:e04000 (2015)
Pharmacological Stimulation of Edar Signaling in the Adult Enhances Sebaceous Gland Size and Function. Kowalczyk‐Quintas C, Schuepbach S, Willen L, Huttner K, Kirby N, Headon DJ*, Schneider P*. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 135(2):359-68. (2015)
Pharmacological Activation of the EDA/EDAR Signaling Pathway Restores Salivary Gland Function Following Radiation-Induced Damage. Hill G, Headon D, Harris ZI, Huttner K, Limesand KH. PLOS One 9(11):e112840. (2014)
Periderm prevents pathological epithelial adhesions during embryogenesis. Richardson RJ , Hammond NL, Coulombe P, Saloranta C, Nousiainen HO, Salonen R, Berry A, Hanley N, Headon D, Karikoski R, Dixon MJ. Journal of Clinical Investigation 124(9):3891–900. (2014)
Generation and characterization of function blocking anti-Ectodysplasin A (EDA) monoclonal antibodies that induce ectodermal dysplasia. Kowalczyk-Quintas C, Willen L, Dang AT, Sarrasin H, Tardivel A, Hermes K, Schneider H, Gaide O, Donzé O, Kirby N, Headon DJ, Schneider P. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(7):4273-85. (2014)
Roles of dental development and adaptation in rodent evolution. Rodrigues HG, Renaud S, Charles C, Le Poul Y, Solé F, Aguilar JP, Michaux J, Tafforeau P, Headon D, Jernvall J, Viriot L. Nature Communications 4:2504 (2013)
Genetic factors controlling wool shedding in a composite Easycare sheep flock. Matika O, Bishop SC, Pong-Wong R, Riggio V, Headon DJ. Animal Genetics 44(6):742-9 (2013)
The interfollicular epidermis of adult mouse tail comprises two distinct cell lineages that are differentially regulated by Wnt, Edaradd and Lrig1. Gomez C, Chua W, Miremadi A, Quist S, Headon DJ, Watt FM. Stem Cell Reports 1(1):19-27 (2013)
Genome-wide SNP scan of pooled DNA reveals nonsense mutation in FGF20 in the Scaleless line of featherless chickens. Wells KL, Hadad Y, Ben-Avraham D, Hilel J, Cahaner A*, Headon DJ*. BMC Genomics 13:257 (2012)
The cell-cycle regulator protein 14-3-3σ is essential for hair follicle integrity and epidermal homeostasis. Hammond NL, Headon DJ, Dixon MJ. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 132(6):1543-53 (2012)
The influence of receptor-mediated interactions on reaction-diffusion mechanisms of cellular self-organisation. Klika V, Baker RE, Headon D, Gaffney EA. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74(4):935-57 (2012)
The EDAR370A allele attenuates the severity of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia caused by EDA gene mutation. Cluzeau C, Hadj-Rabia S, Bal E, Bodemer C, Clauss F, Munnich A, Headon D, Smahi A. British Journal of Dermatology 166(3):678-81 (2012)
Molecular and therapeutic characterization of anti Ectodysplasin A receptor (EDAR) agonist monoclonal antibodies. Kowalczyk C, Dunkel N, Casal M, Willen L, Donzé O, Tardivel A, Badic G , Jefferson D, Headon DJ, Demotz S, Schneider P. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(35):30769-79 (2011)
Cryptic patterning of avian skin confers a developmental facility for loss of neck feathering. Mou C, Pitel F, Gourichon D, Vignoles F, Tzika A, Tato P, Yu L, Burt DW, Bed’hom B, Tixier-Boichard M, Painter KJ, Headon DJ. PLOS Biology 9(3): e1001028 (2011)
Defects and rescue of the minor salivary glands in Eda pathway mutants. Wells KL, Mou C, Headon DJ, Tucker AS. Developmental Biology 349(2): 137-146 (2011)
Recombinant EDA or Shh rescue the branching defect in Eda pathway mutant salivary glands in vitro. Wells KL, Mou C, Headon DJ, Tucker AS. Developmental Dynamics 239(10): 2674–2684 (2010)
Creation of Arrays of Cell Aggregates in Defined Patterns for Developmental Biology Studies Using Dielectrophoresis. Yusvana R, Headon DJ, Markx GH. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 105(5):945-954 (2010)
Enhanced Edar signalling has pleiotropic effects on craniofacial and cutaneous glands. Chang SH, Jobling S, Brennan K*, Headon DJ*. PLoS One 4(10): e7591 (2009)
Hair follicles are required for optimal growth during lateral skin expansion. Heath J, Langton AK, Hammond NL, Overbeek PA, Dixon MJ, Headon DJ. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129(10):2358-2364 (2009)
Distinct impacts of Eda and Edar loss of function on the mouse dentition. Charles C, Pantalacci S, Tafforeau P, Headon D, Laudet V, Viriot L. PLoS One 4(4): e4985 (2009)
Enhanced ectodysplasin-A receptor (EDAR) signaling alters multiple fiber characteristics to produce the East Asian hair form. Mou C, Thomason HA, Willan PM, Clowes C, Harris WE, Drew CF, Dixon J, Dixon MJ, Headon DJ. Human Mutation 29(12):1405-11 (2008)
An extended epidermal response heals cutaneous wounds in the absence of a hair follicle stem cell contribution. Langton AK, Herrick SE, Headon DJ. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 128(5):1311–1318 (2008)
The Edar subfamily in feather placode development. Drew CF, Lin CM, Jiang TX, Blunt G, Mou C, Chuong CM, Headon DJ. Developmental Biology 305(1):232-245 (2007)
Generation of the primary hair follicle pattern. Mou C, Jackson B, Schneider P, Overbeek PA, Headon DJ. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(24):9075-80 (2006)
A link between mRNA turnover and RNA interference in Arabidopsis. Gazzani S, Lawrenson T, Woodward C, Headon D, Sablowski R. Science 306(5698):1046-8 (2004)
The activation level of the TNF family receptor, Edar, determines cusp number and tooth number during tooth development. Tucker AS, Headon DJ, Courtney JM, Overbeek P, Sharpe PT. Developmental Biology 268(1):185-94 (2004)
Gene defect in ectodermal dysplasia implicates a death domain adapter in development. Headon DJ, Emmal SA, Ferguson BM, Tucker AS, Justice MJ, Sharpe PT, Zonana J, Overbeek PA. Nature 414(6866):913-6 (2001)
The winged helix/forkhead transcription factor Foxq1 regulates differentiation of hair in satin mice. Hong HK, Noveroske JK, Headon DJ, Liu T, Sy MS, Justice MJ, Chakravarti A. Genesis 29(4):163-71 (2001)
X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency is caused by impaired NF-kappaB signaling. Doffinger R, Smahi A, Bessia C, Geissmann F, Feinberg J, Durandy A, Bodemer C, Kenwrick S, Dupuis-Girod S, Blanche S, Wod P, Rabia SH, Headon DJ, Overbeek PA, Le Deist F, Holland SM, Belani K, Kumararatne DS, Fischer A, Shapiro R, Conley ME, Reimund E, Kalhoff H, Abinun M, Munnich A, Israel A, Courtois G, Casanova JL. Nature Genetics 27(3):277-85 (2001)
Edar/Eda interactions regulate enamel knot formation in tooth morphogenesis. Tucker AS, Headon DJ, Schneider P, Ferguson BM, Overbeek P, Tschopp J, Sharpe PT. Development 127(21):4691-700 (2000)
Involvement of a novel Tnf receptor homologue in hair follicle induction. Headon DJ, Overbeek PA. Nature Genetics 22(4):370-4 (1999)
Mutations in the human homologue of mouse dl cause autosomal recessive and dominant hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Monreal AW, Ferguson BM, Headon DJ, Street SL, Overbeek PA, Zonana J. Nature Genetics 22(4):366-9 (1999)
Reviews and commentaries
Systems for intricate patterning of the vertebrate anatomy. Painter KJ, Ptashnyk M, Headon DJ. Philosophical Transactions A 379(2213):20200270. (2021)
Reversing Stratification During Wound Healing. Headon D. Nature Cell Biology 19(6):595-597. (2017)
EGFR: Stopping Stathmin to Start the Cycle. Headon D. Experimental Dermatology 25(8):594-595. (2016)
Morphological Mutations: Lessons from the Cockscomb. Headon D. PLoS Genetics 11(3):e1004979 (2015)
Regionalisation of the Skin. Johansson JA, Headon DJ. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 25: 3-10 (2014)
Cells or signals: which moves to drive skin pattern formation? Headon D. Experimental Dermatology 22(12):795-6. (2013)
Systems Biology and Livestock Production. Headon D. Animal 7(12):1959-63 (2013)
Computational and mathematical models of chondrogenesis in vertebrate limbs. Glimm T, Headon D, Kiskowski M.A. Birth Defects Research C Embryo Today 96(2): 176-192 (2012)
Towards an integrated experimental-theoretical approach for assessing the mechanistic basis of hair and feather morphogenesis. Painter KJ, Hunt GS, Wells KL, Johansson JA, Headon DJ. Royal Society Interface Focus 2(4):433-50. (2012)
Stippling the skin: Generation of anatomical periodicity by reaction-diffusion mechanisms. Headon DJ, Painter KJ. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 4(4): 83-102 (2009)
Ectodysplasin signaling in cutaneous appendage development: Dose, duration and diversity. Headon DJ. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129(4):817-819 (2009)
Development of ectodermal appendages. Headon DJ. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 18(2):224 (2007)
Denis Headon
Personal Chair of Vertebrate Developmental Biologydenis.headon@roslin.ed.ac.ukThe Roslin InstituteThe University of EdinburghEaster Bush CampusMidlothianEH25 9RG